Fair photography IMEX Frankfurt

Trade fair photography Singapore Trade show photography at the IMEX trade show in Frankfurt, the BT-MICE sector also represents an important role for Singapore in terms of tourism revenue. At this year’s IMEX 2016 in Frankfurt, I was commissioned by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) to photographically accompany the MICE appearance of Singapore. Singapore is […]
Business photography for an optician

New images for the optician Stratmann was the task, also in connection with a new website, which will be updated later. The current page still looks like this: http://www.stratmann-online.de/ Stratmann hören & sehen is an owner-operated specialty store specializing in high-quality hearing aid acoustics and ophthalmic optics products in Frankfurt’s Dornbusch district. Both pictures of […]
Press photography in tourism

Press photography and travel photography using the example of Morocco for FTI Press photography with the marketing of the destination Morocco, FTI has invited the Destination Pro trip to Morocco with over 400 participants from all over Germany. I was allowed to accompany this special trip as a photographer from 15.03 – 19.03.2016. Both press […]
Positioning as a photographer

How do I positine myself as a photographer and do I need a new website ? What distinguishes a good website of a photographer? Is it just the pictures that speak for themselves or have other features become important in today’s age of self-promotion? For us photographers, too, it is becoming increasingly important to position […]