Corporate photography

Corporate photography using the example of Aareal First Financial Solutions Corporate photography with authentic images is becoming more and more important these days, because stock photos are interchangeable and identical images are used for a wide variety of companies. Even though stock photos are certainly produced in a high-quality and professional manner, they do not […]
Business photography and make up

Business photography and a professional make-up are becoming increasingly important, especially in a time in which the Internet and the external presentation also for customer acquisition takes a special role. Whether it’s looking at a website on the monitor or an encounter in real life: First impressions count and we decide in a fraction of […]
Business Portraits André Zahedi

Business portraits and team photos For the real estate specialist and real estate agent Immoprofi Andre Zahedi e.K from Darmstadt, who sells high-quality & exclusive residential properties in Darmstadt, Frankfurt and Wiesbaden, I was allowed to create the team photos for the new responsive website. Owner André Zahedi is known for emphasizing customized service, ongoing […]