Is it possible to perform photos for children in need or with children when these children have suffered severe suffering? In my search to implement a social project photographically with children, I became aware of the Peace Village International. There are many foundations, many possibilities but which topic was “right” for me ?
Support children in need
As a photographer, how can you make a contribution yourself by supporting children in need, or which aid organization do you choose? Something very special is happening in Dinslaken, however, because I visited the Peace Village there and saw for myself the wonderful work that happens here every day.
Giving children a chance
As the father of two children who were born here, well protected and healthy in Germany, the story of the Peace Village convinced me. Children are the capital and the future, as the saying goes, children change the world. We live in a world of conflict and it is the children who are affected by war and terror who suffer the most . Anyone who has seen the pictures of burned faces and mutilated limbs, as I did on site, knows why donations are so important, especially for these children. Children with burns, disabilities that cannot be treated in their home country receive medical care here in Germany. Often the treatment lasts a year sometimes even two years. In addition, the Peace Village also does educational work and shows the children that peaceful interaction with each other is possible. The aim is to give the children a perspective on life again and, in particular, to significantly improve their state of health.
Friedensdorf International e.V. also brings sick and injured children from war and crisis zones to Germany for medical care. After the treatment is completed, the children return to their families.

Angolan girls
Osvalda is nine, I also “met” her. The girl is from Angola and had a severe periosteum infection that resulted in a deformed leg and caused the bone to die. She was operated on in Germany and I also experienced the great commitment of the medical assistants who, with stretching exercises, bandages and emotional bonding, gave the children a feeling of security and understanding.

I have seen these children laughing, playing and romping against all odds and everyone wants a photo. There are no borders and no religion here, these children show us that they want to live in peace.

Your donation is important
Financing through donations is a risk that is difficult for the association to calculate, because the willingness of doctors and clinics to provide free beds is declining due to cost pressure. There are 120 permanent staff and 50 volunteers who care for the children.
The Peace Village has been helping injured and sick children from war and crisis zones with medical treatment for 50 years. Through project work, medical care is improved in various countries around the world and health stations are set up.
Social awareness is improved through peace education work with sustainable projects. The work of the Peace Village is financed exclusively by donations. For 25 years, the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) has awarded the donation seal.
Care for children from all over the world
Children from Afghanistan, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia or from Africa are cared for here in Germany by the Peace Village team. Many helping hands are needed to provide these children, further support. There are many ways to help.
The transport of the children from their crisis-ridden home countries to medical care in Europe, the accommodation of the children, food and care , operations, orthopedic aids cost money. There are numerous, smaller donations that help – every euro is needed – every donation amount is welcome. Of course, all donors receive a donation receipt recognized by the tax office.
Donation account:
City Savings Bank Oberhausen
More info – simply help with just one click:
My special thanks go to Mrs. Peppmüller from the Peace Village, who guided me through the village and gave me insights into everyday life.
I am therefore especially happy if this post is shared and more “creative partners” get in touch with me, so that together we can make a positive contribution. With pleasure I am available as a photographer.
Please contact us, also by phone: 069 49084529