Corporate photography using the example of Aareal First Financial Solutions

Corporate photography with authentic images is becoming more and more important these days, because stock photos are interchangeable and identical images are used for a wide variety of companies. Even though stock photos are certainly produced in a high-quality and professional manner, they do not represent the reality in the company. Therefore, many companies are moving towards taking their own pictures with the company’s employees, so that the customer also gets a realistic picture of the company when browsing the website. For this purpose I offer my clients all image rights, temporally legally

What factors are important in business, corporate photography?
How does a shoot work and what does the photographer have to pay special attention to when carrying out the task?

Aareal First Financial is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aareal Bank AG and belongs to the Consulting / Services business segment. This segment specializes in IT-related solutions for customers in the housing and commercial real estate industries as well as for the utilities and waste disposal sectors. These include specialized banking services, electronic banking, the automated processing of bulk payment transactions and the optimization of downstream processes.

Aareal First Financial’s products and services enable the parent company to tap new client potential and optimize existing business processes within account management and payments.

The task of creating new photos for Aareal First Financial Solutions consisted, among other things, of photographing the company’s employees in their real working environment, authentically and sympathetically, and also to show the company’s service structure. All images were then also integrated into a new website.

First there was an on-site meeting and initial coordination with the client. The photo themes for the website were discussed, and also the locations were determined that could be used for the shoot. Here there was close coordination with Thorsten Biedenkapp, who as project manager was also responsible for the implementation and conception of the later website.
How many employees will be involved?
What style of clothing goes with the company’s website and appearance?
What working material is integrated with the image style?
What is the timing of the day?
Which image themes fit the concept of the website?

All these issues were discussed in advance and it was determined with the client’s marketing department which photo themes and scenes would be shot and in what order. Then the schedule was also communicated to the colleagues involved, so that each participant knew at what time they should be on set.

This picture shows that you can also have fun while taking pictures. All participants see the captured photo scene. Each participant is integrated into the process.

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In addition to business portraits, one of the main focuses was to photograph individual areas of the company’s activities. What solutions are offered to customers and which specialists are available here?

The areas of activity of a product manager, for example, or the working methods of a system integrator should also be mapped. Therefore, it was also important for me as a photographer to understand exactly what the corresponding employee does and where exactly he works. After that, it was determined how the associated photos could be produced.

Furthermore, Aareal First Financial Solutions is looking for new qualified and committed employees, who should also be addressed by the new visual language and the new website.

Therefore, picture situations should also be photographed that show the exchange of employees who, during a coffee break, are once again exchanging ideas regarding your project as a team.

Corporate photography photographer Jens Braune del Angel Photography

Professionalism, entrepreneurial action and flexible working hours are not just requirements for employees. The photographer also had to be flexible when, for example, the management had to bring forward the shots against the schedule. Since each image setting also requires a different light setting, which also took place in a wide variety of rooms, I as the photographer also had to reschedule at short notice and act flexibly here.

Teamwork is very important to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Here I work with a make up agency whose collaboration has proven successful. Why also business customers find a good make-up artist I had described elsewhere on my blog:,

Furthermore, I was assisted by a photo assistant who was there for the light setup and image data management on location. This also ensured that all photo sequences could be realized within the elaborated time frame. All images were immediately transferred wirelessly via WLAN from me to a laptop and the client immediately gets on site the scene captured.

Corporate photography photographer Jens Braune del Angel Photography
Corporate photography photographer Jens Braune del Angel Photography
Corporate photography photographer Jens Braune del Angel Photography

Here you will find all images and the overall concept of the website of Aareal First Financial, your specialist for integrated payments: