How companies attract new customers with authentic business photos.

How do I actually use new business photos for my business and manage to attract new customers to my business. Companies position themselves especially with current photos and thus strengthen their brand.

The task in the photo shoot for Christian Keller Digital was to create new business photos for his marketing and to focus on the way his agency works with his employees. As a growing company, it was especially important to him to visually re-communicate the values and work atmosphere that define his agency. Especially with new photos that stand out from the crowd, you will be remembered and set a visual anchor with your target group.

Christian Keller helps craft businesses in Germany find new employees with his social recruiting concept. Visual messages are used to convey values that then also positively influence the purchase decision of new customers

Building trust with digital image concepts

In today’s digital world, it’s important that your company has a face. People who create trust and communicate competence receive more customer inquiries and generate more sales in the long term.

There are still clients who use stock photos that are certainly professionally created, but ultimately interchangeable because you don’t represent your company and don’t speak directly to anyone.

The focus of the image production was to photograph the owner Christian Keller and his employees authentically, personally and competently. Especially in the trade, the interpersonal factor is particularly important and with the authentic photos, I also get higher quality customer inquiries.

With the growth of digital images, we are also inundated with a wave of impersonality. Therefore, it is particularly important to photograph employees and business partners in daily business in such a way that a relationship of trust is also created in the viewer.

Development of animage strategy

Now how do I manage to create authentic and personal visuals. At the beginning there is the image strategy. Which photos suit me and my business and which aspect of the business do I want to highlight?

Different, versatile image motifs can always be used in different ways, even in the long term, and ultimately depend on the company’s orientation:

  • Portraits of the employees
  • Portraits of the management
  • Team photos
  • Employees at work
  • Meeting employees
  • Detail shots (computer, hands, keyboard )
  • Behind-the-scenes recording (documentation of an activity)
  • Recording employee in action at work

In my opinion, authentic photos in the workplace are particularly effective because I position myself honestly here.

In the first briefing with Christian Keller, the desired photos were defined. The photos were taken in one day and were created both outdoors (outdoor) and in the office (indoor). Besides portraits, it was always about creating photos in action. Whether it was exciting moments in the office, meeting situations, behind every photo are people who give your best every day.

Authentic photos for your employer branding

Customer loyalty is created on an emotional level, and this is where images are particularly effective, because they convey a feeling of trust and competence to your customers. The photos can be used in many ways. Whether on your own homepage, in press articles or even for your own brochure, the photos help to convey the value of your work. With appealing photos, you also appeal to new customers and achieve more qualified and higher-quality customer inquiries.

It’s important as a photographer to think your way into the business so you can capture images that support marketing. Each photo conveys certain values and core messages. With high-quality business photos you tell a story and thus also build an emotional relationship with your customers.

More photos and a worth reading article about Kellerdigital can also be found here in the article of the world:

Take your customers on a journey of discovery and score points with natural photos that effectively depict your company’s everyday life. In a first free on-site meeting in Frankfurt, we can discuss your wishes and I will show you by means of further examples which new image concepts are also possible for your marketing.

You also want to communicate your added value to the outside world and need new business photos? You would like to additionally address your target group and promote your brand message through moving images and video services?

I look forward to your call: 069 49084529

Your Jens Braune del Angel