New business photos and also current press photos I was allowed to make again for Solamento. The mobile sales company Solamento is on the road to success and has reached the 50 million euro sales mark for the first time. 80 new travel consultants have also been recruited.

I myself come from the Ruhr area and describe myself as a tourism expert who has worked in the travel industry for 10 years. I have known the CEO Sascha Nitsche for more than 25 years now and was allowed to realize several high-quality photo shoots for him and his team.

Solamento Reisen GmbH was founded in 2005 as an independent company in Essen Kettwig and offers travel agents a modern business environment. From the head office in Essen, the external appearance, the business equipment, as well as external and further training possibilities for the independent mobile travel consultants are developed.

Thus Solamento is a multi-channel company and the customers receive a fixed contact person from the mobile travel consultants, detached from opening hours and weekdays, who realizes all vacation wishes of the customer. In addition, the travel agents work independently of the group and thus customers also receive a neutral price comparison.

Use of the business photos as press photos

The press photos are used for announcements in the trade press, e.g. Touristik Aktuell, FVW, as well as on social media.


More info e.g. also here: